I've decided it's taken me long enough to finally write a post.
So much has happened in the last couple weeks it's about time I write it
down and share my exciting, nerve-racking, overwhelming and brand new
experiences. Especially before I forget them all! Okay so here it goes...
My week in London was absolutely amazing. The jet leg was a
bit of a hurdle for the first few days, but my family and I definitely didn't
let it stop us from exploring all of the great things that London has to offer.
Our week was filled with the Rodriguez family essentials...Great food,
wine, friends and endless amounts of laughter (and of course a snort or two
from me!) We did the tourist stuff including, London Eye, Tower of
London, Big Ben, trip to Greenwich and a few other things. We were also
able to meet some of my parents old friends and spend some great nights
catching up, laughing and drinking lots of wine over
many many delicious meals.
I can not believe it is already october and I left my comfort zone and home a month ago. So many new places, faces and unforgettable memories thus far. I look forward to the adventure, the suprise and the "let's fucking do it" metality! I'm ready to dive into the next two months and never hear myself say "I wish I did that".
Wish me luck!
Kochana Misiu.
ReplyDeleteBardzo ale to bardzo Ci dziękuję za miłe i wzruszające życzenia imieninowe, które mi sprawiły wiele radości.
Czytamy twojego bloga i zazdrościmy tylu wspaniałych wrażeń.
Tęsknimy za Tobą. Wracaj bezpiecznie i niech Ciebie Dobry Bóg ma w swej opiece.
Łączymy całusy i uściski
"kisses and hugs"
Babcia i Dziadek